Currency Conversion Benefits
The FACS Currency Conversion P.E.P. Pack® can help your company in many ways.
Based on the FACS module to which you interface this package, you can use it
- Enter sales and receivables transactions in any foreign currency. And
when you do, the system will record any currency gains or losses
- Enter invoices in any foreign currency, then pay them in another
currency. You simply identify the bank from which you will pay an invoice.
The system auto-matically prints the check in the foreign currency you
specified for that bank.
- Generate financial reports in any foreign currency. Used only in the
report writer function in your FACS General Ledger System, you select the
financial report you want to run, then specify the foreign currency in which
you want the results reported. You can even mix foreign currencies in
multi-company reports.
- And, you can update the currency rates your company uses every day.
You just display the daily rate table, then make any adjustments necessary to
keep your exchange rates current.
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