12 Key Ways FACS Management Systems
Helps Your Service Business Succeed
- A robust service management solution specifically designed for residential, commercial or industrial HVAC, plumbing, electrical and other businesses with technicians on the road. FACS Management Systems has everything you need to build a successful service business in one management software program.
- Pricing is scalable and affordable for smaller service businesses with 1-3 trucks. Starts at $200/month for web-based FAC Management Systems. Windows operating system.
- Easily handles large businesses with hundreds of trucks with in-house version of FAC Management Systems. Windows operating system.
- Responsive to the complex environment of large businesses. Our in-house, Windows-based version of FACS manages the most demanding needs of the industry's biggest service businesses.
- Eliminates tedious double entries. Service management modules and accounting modules are fully integrated. Enter data once in service modules and the data automatically appears in accounting modules.
- Track your profitability from service calls and agreement renewals to multi-day/month/year jobs. Analyze your margins and profits every step of the way.
- Fully integrated accounting modules include General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, Purchase Order, Payroll and Direct Deposit.
- Add-on modules are fully scalable from a one-truck business to 150 trucks or more. With FACS' add-as-you-need-them modules,
you won't feel growing pains as our system effortlessly expands to meet your changing needs. Barcoding, mobile dispatch, electronic document archiving, and job costing are examples of modules you can add later.
- You never have to "start over" with a new management system, no matter how fast or how big you grow.
- Exceptional U.S.-based training and support. FACS provides training and support from our headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida. We're ready to assist you by phone, internet, or face to face onsite.
- Top-notch customer service. We take care of you with the best support in the industry. Many members of our support crew have at least 15 years experience specifically supporting our FACS software.
- Customer Loyalty. Many customers have been with us over 25 years.